How will India rivers connect with each other Know what is river linking project

How will India rivers connect with each other Know what is river linking project

India is a country rich in canals and rivers, who supplies us with drinking water, However, there are many areas which are vulnerable to drought., In such a situation, the central government is bringing a project to get rid of this problem., whom ,River Interlinked Plan, being known as, In this project, interlinking of all the rivers is being considered., In such a situation, let us know how this will be possible.,

1958 The plan was given in

The idea of ​​river linking project in India was first conceived by the British irrigation engineer Sir Arthur Thomas Cotton in the year 1858 I gave, But no work was done on it since then, Due to which disagreement between the states, There was no legal provision for the Centre’s interference., Although July 2014 In 2017, the Central Government had approved the formation of a special committee for interlinking of rivers.,

how will the work be done,

The task of interlinking rivers is very difficult, But according to the plan for this 37 for rivers 30 Links will be created, through which rivers will be linked together, This is one of the biggest projects of India, Two plans have been prepared in this project. In which planning has been done to connect different rivers.

Why is it important?,

The total amount of surface water in our country 690 billion cubic meters per year, Although this water only 65 Only percent of water can be used, The remaining water is wasted and goes into the sea., But this maintains the ecological balance of the earth and oceans and fresh water and sea., At the same time, there is a large population which remains deprived of water. In such a situation, if this project becomes successful then water can be easily supplied to that large population.

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